Pixotope Products

HDTV Supply has entered into a strategic partnership with Pixotope, a leading provider of virtual production and augmented reality (AR) solutions. This collaboration allows HDTV Supply to incorporate Pixotope's state-of-the-art virtual production technology into their offerings, providing customers with advanced AR solutions for their audiovisual projects. Together, HDTV Supply and Pixotope are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge virtual production solutions that push the boundaries of creativity and transform the way content is produced and delivered in the AV industry.
These Pixotope Products from HDTV Supply include:
- Pixotope Graphics VS/AR Edition
- Pixotope Graphics XR Edition
- Pixotope Camera Tracking
- Pixotope Talent Tracking
- Extended Reality Solutions
- Augmented Reality Solutions
- Virtual Studios Solutions
- Broadcasting Solutions
We are in the process of adding Pixotope Products to HDTV Supply's Catalog. Please fill out the quote form below and we will send you a quote with our lowest price today.