HDTV Supply has 10,000+ Positive Reviews

HDTV Supply has over 10,000 Positive Reviews since opening in Year 2002.

review-18.jpgHDTV Supply has over 10,000 Positive Reviews since we opened 20-Years Ago.

  • HDTV Supply has 10,000+ Reviews
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HDTV Supply has now enabled you, the customer, to rate and comment on all products you buy from HDTVSupply.com. We feel that your feedback as a customer is very important not only to us at HDTV Supply and we encourage you to do so. We frequently weigh product feedback when selecting new products to sell, and when discontinuing the sales of products. In many cases, we pass this feedback on to our suppliers who take it into consideration when revising products.

Rating a Product: Please wait to write your review until after you have had an opportunity to evaluate a fully functional unit. Questions regarding a product or issues with configurations should be directed to our tech support at 833-WOLFPACK (833-965-3722). If you believe you may have received a defective unit, remember that HDTV Supply backs everything we sell with a warranty.

To use this feature, simply browse to a product you would like to rate by searching, browsing, or simply clicking on the product in your confirmation email or order details in your account. The "Reviews" Tab is shown on every product page on our site. It is located below the ADD TO MY CART button. You may see ratings and reviews from other users.

Once on the ratings and review page, you're able to rate the product on two criteria: Features/Quality and Value for money. One signifies poor, while five signifies excellent. Below the rating buttons are the review fields. Feel free to review the product and click 'submit all', or, simply choose to submit your rating only by clicking 'submit rating only'.

Why does the product page show stars, but no ratings are visible? Users are able to only rate an item. Not all users chose to rate and leave a review. If an item only shows stars, this means a user or several users have rated the item, but not reviewed it.

Why isn't my review showing on the website? Once you enter a rating and review, your rating will immediately be reflected in the product's overall rating. Due to the nature of reviews, however, we choose to moderate all reviews that are submitted on the site. We make every effort to approve reviews throughout the day on weekdays, and when possible on weekends. Use of profanity is strictly prohibited and any profanity found on your review will be subject to be deleted. If you see any profanity in any other reviews, please report it to us at 833-WOLFPACK (833-965-3722).

We feel very strongly that customers at HDTV Supply should be able to voice their opinion. We make every effort to be fair and unbiased towards submitted reviews. In certain circumstances, we are inclined to not approve reviews. This is usually due to a lack of relevance in the review or for another reason sited in our guidelines.

Ratings & Review Guidelines: All submissions are moderated. Please read the Ratings & Review Guidelines below to ensure your submission is acceptable. HDTV Supply gives you the ability to rate and review our products. We welcome your feedback on the many products we offer online and your review can help others make informed decisions. Please keep the following in mind when writing a review:

  1. Use your personal experiences. Your review can be about specific features or experiences you had with the product.
  2. Be detailed. Tell other customer what you used the product for and how it worked for a specific project.
  3. You can always compare products with other products of a similar type. If you like a different product better, let the community know about it!
  4. Include all relevant details about how you used the product(s) for specific projects. For example, let other users know what type of cable you used, why it was better or why something didn't work.

What to avoid when writing a review: There are a few rules to keep in mind when reviewing products.

  1. Do not use offensive or vulgar language.
  2. Do not insult other customers. Your experience may be different from other customers', but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  3. You must have placed and order with us on the product.
  4. Include more than one word in your review. Details about your experience are much more useful.
  5. Do not reference other reviews. We want to hear about your experience.
  6. Personal information should not be included in the review. Address, phone numbers and URLs should not be posted in your review.
  7. Make your review legible. Using the correct punctuation and case makes it easier for other customers to read.
  8. Try to avoid references to availability, prices, and shipping as they are subject to change.
  9. Contact us at 833-WOLFPACK (833-965-3722) if you see any mistakes that need to be addressed.

Any Review that does not abide by these guidelines will not be posted at HDTV Supply.com. Ratings are available and displayed immediately. Reviews will be reviewed by an HDTV Supplys tech support moderator and released or removed within 24-48 hours.

All reviews, comments, feedback, suggestions and other submissions submitted to HDTV Supply on this site shall be and remain HDTV Supplys property. HDTV Supply.com will own exclusively all rights, titles and interests and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, of any Comments. All or part of any product review including the Review Title, "Your Nickname", Rating, Pros/Cons, images and all other parts of the review itself may be used by HDTV Supply in future marketing campaigns or promotions in any media. Submission of a product review signifies consent that the information you submit may be used at HDTV Supplys discretion without any further notice or expectation of compensation. You are further representing that any submission is wholly an original creation by you and/or that any portion taken from third party sources have fully cleared for use.

HDTV Supply will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, publish, display and distribute any Comments you submit for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. HDTV Supply.net is and shall be under no obligation (1) to maintain any Comments in confidence; (2) to pay to user any compensation for any Comments. You agree that any Comments submitted by you to the Site will not violate this policy or any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary right(s), and will not cause injury to any person or entity.

You further agree that no Comments submitted by you to the Site will be or contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, threatening, abusive or obscene material, or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any form of "spam". By submitting ratings or reviews, users agree to be 18 years of age at the time of submission.

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